Sunday 7 September 2008

Before You Come Back Home



"Before you come back home," said my birthplace,
go and see the oculist
and try not to wear glasses,
when I first saw you off,remember,
you were keen sighted!"

Tyrants and Metaphors

I used to rebel with my metaphors,
with metaphors my friends used to fight as well,
And the most honored was he
who had placed a mine underneath the tyrant's shoes
and we would laugh at those
when morons walked on land mines.

I saw My River

I saw my river
it flooded lands,dreams,
houses,wedding parties,
and all ached in my heart.

I saw my river calming down
songs and roses had no thirst
expecting the caress of tis waters to come
they bloomed in my soul.

My river is not a woman without womb,
I know the source from which it flows!

The Trial of the Forest

The courtroom was too small
to hold the entire forest as a culprit,
being at a loss,the judges
decided to burn it down.

In the Time of War

neither till
nor plant
the land
they breathe
holding the grave
in their hands.

I Won't and You Cannot

I feel sorry for myself
I lost everything :
I lost my love
and suddenly I found my love wasn't true.
It was simply an illusion.
Somebody else bought my feelings
When I was young man.

Hey! Nobody will buy my innocent soul again.
Simply because I won't sell it
Simply because you cannot!

Nobody invites you to come back

You went back from America to your native country
to see people you missed so much:
your mom, dad, and sister,
and you are expecting somebody to ask you,
"Will you come back forever right here?"
but you cannot find anybody to ask that question,
and I don't know why.
Are they afraid that you will maybe take
all their air and then they
will be asphyxiated ?
Or, are they afraid that you perhaps
will drink all the water they have
and they will have hard time surviving
in that motherland transformed
into a second Sahara?

Oh my God, please find only one man,
willing and heartfelt to ask you,
"Will you stay forever right here,in your motherland?"

Nevertheless, almost all of them ask you,
"When will your plane leave?"

It seems that they are afraid
that you will take all the shine of the Sun
and they will be freezing in the shadow forever,
but the Sun raises for everybody
and sets down peacefully
like a tear of a child
when he cries to be breastfed.

November 21, 2005

Kissing test

I took a kissing test online
and I got 99 points out of a 100.
And I asked myself, "What is wrong with you, man?"

From another side of the planet
my girlfriend answered my question
by sending an E mail kiss.

I was lucky,
I found the point I lost.

Internet Love

Two or three greeting eCards to her every week,
Always ending with,"I give you a kiss."
And if you do not get any response,
Please,do not give up.
Next week you should send hera greeting eCard every day.
In case she gets mad at you,
Do not forget to send hera "Sorry" eCard every day.
And finally,if she doesn't care about your apologies,
then shut down the computer
and go into the streets of your cityto find a real girl,
a real girl, who either will loveor hate you.

It is beautiful when you have some illusions

It is beautiful when you have some illusions,
for example,the girl that saluted you very warmly
yesterday morning,
would,probably like to flirt with you
next evening.

It is beautiful when you invite that girl for dinner
in your house and you have an illusion
that after the dinner
you can invite her to take off her shirt
and uncover her breast,
but suddenly you notice that she doesn't agree
to take off her shirt,
and yet, she is willing to accept
a kiss on her cheek.

It is also beautiful when you have another illusion
that after the kiss on her cheek.
you will be allowed to kiss her lips,
but just about when you try to jump on this adventure,
she quietly will say,"Not here. You absolutely don't have my permission
to kiss my lips. I have other parts of my body and you are free to kiss them
whenever you want."

It is wonderful when you kiss her "God bye!"
and have an illusion that she will write you back
via- Internet,
but then, you realize she almost has forgotten
your E-mail address.

It is beautiful when you learn
that she finally has found her real lovely boyfriend,
to whom she has given permission
to kiss her without any restrictions.

And it finally is gorgeous
when you are totally convinced
that it is better to have an illusion,
than to have
an eternal fake love.

Because I love You

It has been more than two weeks
that you haven't responded to my E-mail,
and I doubt that you have decided
to forget me without any reason,
or perhaps you have decided forgetting me
for a reason only you know.

If you have decided to completely forget me
It means that you have chosen
the toughest way to kill me.

And if you really have decided to kill me
by forgetting me,
I am offering you heart-fully another way of killing,
totally different from your way,
totally different from forgetting bullet.

For an example,
you can pour a little poison
into the make-believe glass of water,
or something else like this,
and it doesn't take too much,
it would be enough to glance
at some of the Shakespeare's plays.

It has been more than two weeks
that you haven't responded to my E-mail
and I just wanted to tell you
that I cannot forget you.

A recipe for an affair

A love latter a day via-email
Two or three sweet phone calls evening and day,
always ending with," I love you."

Two casual kisses in the hallway of the Fine-Arts building.
One hidden walk hand -in -hand at the park
every other Saturday.
One French kiss every Sunday.

And to mix it well
we need two full spoons of jealousy
(one from your old boyfriend,
the other from my ex girlfriend.)

Serve on Monday mornings,
or whenever you'd like to taste their jealousy,
in order to savour the sweetness of our love.


I want to download your smile in my heart,
to view it any time I want.

I want to tape your voice in my heart
to hear it any time I want.

I want to stick your kiss in my lips
to feel good any time I want.

And finally,
I want to plant my seed into your ground,
The only thing that's not up to me
to chose any time I want.

It is up to you.

What a Wonderful Day?

I woke up like a teenager this morning,
but I drank a cup of coffee like a retired man,

I took an online poetry test like an amator poet,
but I wrote a romance letter like a Don Juan.

I helped a girl changing a flat tire in her car
but I couldn't start mine for unknown reason.

I was waiting all day for a call from my daughter
but I got a one from a bothering retailer.

I will go to bed like a retired man tonight
but I'm not sure if I'll wake up like teenager tomorrow.

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